New School Dominating the Old School Society
Newspapers to online journal articles. Libraries to Google. Calanders to iPhones and Blackberries. Let's face it, our world has changed, and so has the society that we live in.
The article entitled "Did You Know" that was recently posted really caught my attention, and I found it very interesting, and frankly, I was amazed at how far we have come and how much multimedia is playing a huge role in society.
This short YouTube video is comparing Time Binding Media Societies to Space Binding Media Societies, which is what we learned in lecture two.
A Time Binding Society is older and usual oral traditions. Where as a Space Binding Society is newer and promotes change (Sevigny, 1a03 lecture, Sept. 23rd 2009).
Space Binding Media Society (the time we live in now) promotes rapid change and materialism, and the whole purpose is to extend knowledge of meaning over distance. It is also more modern then a Time Binding Media Society. As well as its whole principle is to reach as many people as possible over long distance (Sevigny,1a03 lecture, Sept 23rd 2009).
The opposite is a Time Binding Media Society. It is an older practice and its influence is mostly cultural or religious. It is more manuscript and poem style, rather than blackberries and laptops, as well as it has a more limited audience (Sevigny, 1a03 lecture, Sept 23rd 2009).
In the YouTube video I liked how they compared the Space Binding Media Inventions with the Time Binding Media ones.
1,000,000 books are published every year. But Google book search scanner can digitalize 1,000 pages every hour. Now, you may not think this is much, but if you calculate how many pages that is in a year that is 8,765,000 pages a year. I would say that the Space Binding Media is winning in that situation. Also, what happened to the idea of when you go to the bathroom you bring a newspaper to read? I guess newspapers are to "old school," people would rather watch their favourite local news station while going to the bathroom ( YouTube "Did You Know").
The newspaper industry and even the print industry in general has suffered from the Space Binding Media revolution. In the last 25 years newspaper and print circulation has gone down seven million, where as online readers has gone up 30 million on the last five (YouTube "Did You Know").
Today in society I believe that having all this technology right at your finger tips is so beneficial. If someone is running late to a board meeting for work and don't have time to check the weather on the T.V they can access that information on their blackberry while they are running to catch the bus. While waiting at the bus stop they can check to even see how the local traffic is doing and see if the bus route is going to be affected, and if it is they can call a cab. While in the cab they can look on their blackberry to see what the quickest route is to their office building, and then quickly switch applications to their email and email their boss and tell them that they are running late but are on their way.
Living in a Space Binding Society brings us so many advantages that it is almost a luxury to be living in the time that we are.
But is there such thing as going to far? Will technology ever become to unnecessary?
Work Cited:
Sevigny, Alexandre. Class Lecture. 23 September 2009.
Did You Know. YouTube. Web. 27 September 2009.
Image Retrieved From:
Scott, Jerry, And Jim Borgman. Busted! Cincinnati: Andrews and McMeel,2002. Retrieved from:"Google Images." Retrieved from: content/uploads/2008/10/zitsconversation.gif. Web. September 27th 2009
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